

Honor Roll and NJHS


NJHS Induction Ceremony

Broadcasted 3/24/25 1:30pm - 3/24/25 2:34pm


Honor Roll for Grades 3-5:

Principal’s Honor Roll is distributed in grades 3-5 after the 2nd and 3rd report cards to those students who meet the following criteria:

  • Good record of attendance and/or minimal lateness
  • Excellent/Satisfactory conduct in ALL classes
  • Level 3 or 4 in all major subject areas (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)

Principal’s Circle of Effort Awards are distributed in grades 3-5 after the 2nd and 3rd report cards to those students who meet the following criteria:

  • Good record of attendance and/or minimal lateness
  • Excellent/Satisfactory conduct in ALL classes
  • Consistently demonstrates EFFORT with at least a level 2 in ELA, Science, Social Studies, Math

Honor Roll for Grades 6-8:


  • 95% average no grade less than 90%


  • 90% average no grade less than 85%


  • 85% average no grade less than 80%

National Junior Honor Society:

Students are selected after meeting certain criteria, are nominated for membership and agree to the conditions of membership. The first step toward membership is identifying students who meet academic eligibility based on the benchmark described in the National Constitution: a cumulative grade point average of 90 percent or higher.

Additionally there are five ideals that are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The National Junior Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all of these areas. The standards used for selection are: Scholarship: 90% cumulative average, leadership, service, character, and citizenship: as demonstrated by activities and teacher evaluations. This would be implemented after marking period 2 where students have more of an opportunity to learn about the NJHS criteria and work towards them.


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