


Grading Policy for Kindergarten - Fifth Grades

Performance Levels

4 = Exceeds Grade Standards (91-100%)
3 = Meets Grade Standards (81-90%)
2 = Approaching Grade Standards (71-80%)
1 = Below Grade Standards (70 and below)

Make-up Policy: It is the students’ responsibility to arrange to make up work missed because of absence from class. All assignments are due regardless of absences. All late work is expected to be submitted within 1-2 days. Exceptions in certain unusual circumstances can be discussed.

PS 232 Middle School Grading Policy 2024-2025- All Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Students*

The following criteria will be used to calculate students’ grades each semester. This grading policy will be used by ALL subject teachers in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

60% Tests/Quizzes/Essays/Projects

Major bodies of work - literary responses, unit assessments, chapter tests/assignments, science labs, essays, etc. Quizzes assess knowledge of a small bodies of work - reading assignments, vocabulary, listening, math, etc.

10% Homework Assignments

Homework is an essential part of every class. When a student is absent from class, he or she is responsible for the work. The student must complete all homework assignments and hand it in to the subject teacher. All homework must be submitted by the due date scheduled by the teacher. Late homework will be accepted, but it will drop a grade for every day late.

30% Class Work

The class work grade will consist of written work done in class and participation in the classrooms. All students must engage and participate in each lesson.

Make-up Policy: It is the students’ responsibility to arrange to make up work missed because of illness. All reading and written assignments are due regardless of absences. All make-up assignments are to be submitted within 1-2 days of absence. Exceptions may be made in certain unusual circumstances. Communication with the subject teacher is key!

Honor Roll:

National Junior Honor Society:

Students are selected after meeting certain criteria, are nominated for membership and agree to the conditions of membership. The first step toward membership is identifying students who meet academic eligibility based on the benchmark described in the National Constitution: a cumulative grade point average of 90 percent or higher.

There are five ideals that are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The National Junior Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all of these areas. The standards used for selection are: Scholarship: 90% cumulative average, leadership, service, character, and citizenship: as demonstrated by activities and teacher evaluations

Principal’s Honor Roll is distributed in grades 4 and 5 after the 2nd and 3rdreport cards to those students who meet the following criteria:

  • 90% attendance and/or no lateness
  • Excellent/Satisfactory conduct in ALL classes
  • Level 3 or 4 in all major subject areas (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
  • No level 1s or 2s on report card.

Principal’s Circle of Effort Awards are distributed in grades 4 and 5 after the 2nd and 3rd report cards to those students who meet the following criteria:

  • 90% attendance and/ no or lateness
  • Excellent/Satisfactory conduct in ALL classes
  • Consistently demonstrates EFFORT with at least a level 2 in ELA, Science, Social Studies, Math