

Enrollment Information






Dear Parent/Guardian registering your child in PS 232Q,

Registration for the upcoming school year will be done on September 1 & 2  (8:15 am-1pm) and again on Sept. 7th & 8th (8:15am-1 pm) BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

YOU MUST BE ZONED and you will need to provide TWO PROOFS OF RESIDENCE (i.e., mortgage, lease, utility bills in either parent's name, driver's license, paystub or any document from a city, state or government agency) as well as the child's birth certificate. 

For your convenience, please find the attached PDF registration forms and have them completed and brought with you on the date of your appointment.  

  1. Student Registration Form
  2. Emergency Contact Form
  3. Language Survey
  4. Housing Form
  5. Ethnicity Form
  6. Physical Examination Form (Scan with Immunization Records)

It is very important that your child’s immunizations are ALL caught up by the start of school. Please scan your immunization record and attach it to this email.  A physical examination form is also attached.  Before your child can be in the school building, an up-to-date physical MUST accompany them.

Please check in periodically with the new school website for updated information -

Look for supply lists, grading policy, arrival and dismissal information and uniform information. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Naviha Ponce Paz
Principal, 27Q232
(P): 718-848-9247

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